This soundtrack will be perfect for scenes of the sequence which involve someone being followed. It has a very ambient feel to it which will compliment the scene, and let the audience know that something isn't quite right. This soundtrack is copyright free therefore it should cause no problems using it in our sequence. This music was provided by Bensound.
When browsing the sound website we came across this soundtrack, which we think suits the scene well after the protagonist picks up the fallen note on the floor, then suddenly realises what happens next. This is when his 'instinct' kicks in as he gets prepared for what he must do. The loud drums and short periods of silence in-between them provide a satisfying sound which compliments the ongoings on screen. Provided by Bensound.
Other sounds - We are thinking of including general background sounds which may add to the ambience that we are eager to portray in our sequence. An example of this is crickets chirping at the beginning where there is equilibrium - this, along with the darkness, gives the audience the impression that it is set quite late at night.
Edited Sound for Final Cut 2
We decided to change one of our choices of soundtrack after hearing people's thoughts about our film sequence. As a result we decided to act on this and adapt our soundtrack to fit the sequence more, which we accomplished by further browsing the internet and selecting the right sound for us. I feel as if this is a success because it enabled us to edit our sequence to fit perfectly with the video, for example when the tempo picks up when a character is introduced on screen.
Learning Comments
Sound in our sequence is very important as it adds so much to the atmosphere and the overall feel of the movie, for example it immerses the audience into feeling as if they are actually there in the film itself. Sounds are key to letting the audience know that something is about to happen, for example in our sequence the protagonist is being followed, and as the person approaches him faster the music picks up both pace and volume. Lastly it was important for us to use copyright-free music in our film, as if we did we'd be potentially be putting ourselves into trouble (e.g. a copyright strike).